Aspiring and Published: What's the difference?


Aspiring Children's Author. That was my Twitter bio.

I would look at other authors' Twitter profiles and their bios said things like,

Bestselling Author

NY Times Bestselling Author

Award-winning International Bestselling Author

That was a couple of years ago. But am I really no longer an aspiring author now that I'm published?

Just because my work was seen by the right publisher at the right place at the right time do I no longer need to aspire? Is that it? Job done?

Just lately I've been thinking about this adjective commonly used to describe unpublished authors, and it got me thinking.

Yes, writers and illustrators aspire to get published. We hope our work will excite an editor. We fantasise about signing on the dotted line. But more importantly, I think we aspire to tell mind-blowing, thought provoking, life enhancing, omg-that's-totally-amazing stories.

I don't think we really ever stop aspiring.

I still aspire to draw better pictures. One of these days I might actually draw a horse without having to redraw their anatomically confusing legs a thousand times over before getting it right.

I still aspire to write better. My blog posts are probably littered with grammatical errors. I recently bought a book called 'Grammar for Grown-ups' to help me with that.

I still aspire to tell the perfect story. When is that next bolt of inspiration going to strike? Will it ever strike again? Yes, it will. It definitely will. I hope.

I think most creatives probably feel this way about whatever it is they do, and I'm not entirely sure what spurs it on.

Maybe it's an insecurity.

Maybe it's an obsession with perfection, if there is such a thing.

Maybe it's some kind of mystic calling.

Maybe it's all the knock-backs.

Maybe it's all the praise.

Maybe it's a desire to make the world a better place.

Maybe it's a desire to make your world a better place.

Maybe it's all of the above and then some.

I'm not entirely sure.

But what I do think is that, as long as we continue to really care about whatever it is we want to do in life, we will never stop aspiring. 

After all, I am still as much of an aspiring author as I was before getting published, despite what my Twitter bio might say.

Very First Sketch of Betty

Hey, look what I found while rummaging through some old drawings, the very, very first sketch of Betty. And now she's an international superstar (or at least she thinks she is).

The title might have been BETTY'S BAD DAY but BETTY GOES BANANAS is so much better.

The title might have been BETTY'S BAD DAY but BETTY GOES BANANAS is so much better.

Number 1 bestselling children's book in Taiwan.

Number 1 bestselling children's book in Taiwan.

NY Times Review

NY Times Review

A scene from the sequel - BETTY GOES BANANAS IN HER PYJAMAS.

A scene from the sequel - BETTY GOES BANANAS IN HER PYJAMAS.

A scene from the sequel - BETTY GOES BANANAS IN HER PYJAMAS.

A scene from the sequel - BETTY GOES BANANAS IN HER PYJAMAS.

A scene from the sequel - BETTY GOES BANANAS IN HER PYJAMAS.

A scene from the sequel - BETTY GOES BANANAS IN HER PYJAMAS.

Summer Events: Bath, Luton Hoo, Henley, Askews, Library Visits & More

Ideally, I'd like to write individual blog posts for each of my events. But this summer has been pretty manic, so I've fall a little behind with my blog. Here are some of the photos from several of my events over the past few weeks. It's been a lot of fun!

Bath Festival. I'm in the famous red chair!

Bath Festival. I'm in the famous red chair!

Bath Festival. OK, so now I've got to share the chair with Jo Empson, Sophy Henn and John Mclay.

Bath Festival. OK, so now I've got to share the chair with Jo Empson, Sophy Henn and John Mclay.

An event with Askews Library Services in Preston.

An event with Askews Library Services in Preston.

This is at the Yaxley YakketyYak event, held by Cambridgshire Libraries. I'm with Trudi Esberger and Marion Lindsay. These antennae are by Trudi, based on her picture book THE BOY WHO LOST HIS BUMBLE.

This is at the Yaxley YakketyYak event, held by Cambridgshire Libraries. I'm with Trudi Esberger and Marion Lindsay. These antennae are by Trudi, based on her picture book THE BOY WHO LOST HIS BUMBLE.

An event with Wokingham Libraries 

An event with Wokingham Libraries 

Another fun event with Wokingham Libraries

Another fun event with Wokingham Libraries

Signing stock at Cirencester, Waterstones.

Signing stock at Cirencester, Waterstones.

Lots of books to sign! 400, I think!

Lots of books to sign! 400, I think!

Hoo's Kids Book Fest in Luton

Hoo's Kids Book Fest in Luton

Hoo's Kids Book Fest in Luton

Hoo's Kids Book Fest in Luton

Hoo's Kids Book Fest in Luton

Hoo's Kids Book Fest in Luton

Henley Literary Festival

Henley Literary Festival

Henley Literary Festival

Henley Literary Festival

Edinburgh Book Festival

4 days, 5 events. Here are some photos from my fantastic stay in Scotland for the Ed Book Fest, in no particular order.

A banana shirt (a nod to Betty Goes Bananas) for one of my events.

A banana shirt (a nod to Betty Goes Bananas) for one of my events.

All set for my Outreach event at Netherthird Primary School in Cumnock. 

All set for my Outreach event at Netherthird Primary School in Cumnock. 

Author's yurt  

Author's yurt  

Just before my second event

Just before my second event

THE QUEEN'S HANDBAG goes to Edinburgh Castle, just like in the book!

THE QUEEN'S HANDBAG goes to Edinburgh Castle, just like in the book!

With the lovely Vivian French at Netherthird Primary Shool in Cumnock.

With the lovely Vivian French at Netherthird Primary Shool in Cumnock.

















Drawing simple animals at an Outreach event.

Drawing simple animals at an Outreach event.

In the yurt with Steven Lenton and Philip Ardagh

In the yurt with Steven Lenton and Philip Ardagh

In the yurt with the dynamic duo, Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre

In the yurt with the dynamic duo, Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre


Books Are My Bag 2015 - Goldsboro & Waterstones Richmond

Books Are My Bag Day - a celebration of brick And mortar bookstores across the UK - took place last Saturday. I travelled with Hachette's Kat to two London book stores (three, if you count our meeting point: Waterstones Trafalgar, where I signed a few Mr Pandas and Queen's Hat & Handbag books).

Our first visit was Goldsboro Books, a treasure trove of limited edition, rare and very special signed books. Did you know that they were the only bookshop in the World to have signed copies of The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith, who of course turned out to be none other than J.K.Rowling? How amazing is that?

Kat and I could've easily spent hours perusing in Goldsboro. I definitely plan on returning!

Then we took the tube to Richmond to say hello to the friendly staff at Waterstones. I held an intimate reading of PLEASE MR PANDA and the newly-realesed-in-hardback The QUEEN'S HANDBAG. And I did a bit of drawing too, of course!

Below are some photos from our day. Thank you to Goldsboro and Waterstones Richmond and Kat!

You can purchase a signed The QUEEN'S HANDBAG direct from Goldsboro. If you're lucky you might receive one (of four) with a 'sneaky swan' drawing inside - here:

Me and Kat

Me and Kat

Can you spot The Queen and corgi?

Can you spot The Queen and corgi?

Selfie at Goldsboro's!

Selfie at Goldsboro's!

Making my mark on a big page of signatures.

Making my mark on a big page of signatures.

Reading at Waterstones in Richmond

Reading at Waterstones in Richmond

My book-inspired Shaun raises 15K for charity

My 'The Queen's Hat' inspired Shaun in the City sculpture (complete with hidden characters from the book, including HRH herself) went under the hammer this evening and raised a whopping £15,000.00 for Wallace & Gromit's Children's Charity

Collectively, all 120 custom designed Shaun the Sheep statues raised a staggering £1,087,900.00!

Congratulations to the winning bidder! Congratulations to all the winning bidders, the charity and every single person involved!

It was a real pleasure and an absolute honour to have been involved in this incredible cause. If you'd like to see the making of my Shaun the Sheep, press here.

Mary Berry, a selfie and an alien? 20 Things to spot in The Queen's Handbag

Hold on to your hats... and handbags! THE QUEEN'S HANDBAG is out NOW!

Prepare yourself for a rollicking race around the United Kingdom because a dastardly swan has just swooped off with the Queen's handbag! 

This book is jam-packed with visual humour. It features some of the UK's most celebrated and iconic landmarks. But it also features lots of things that you may not see at first, like the box-holding butler on almost every page. 

Part 2 UNITED KINGDOM landmarks!

Part 2 UNITED KINGDOM landmarks!

Part 1 - LONDON landmarks!

Part 1 - LONDON landmarks!

Here are just 20 things to look out for in The Queen's Handbag. But there's more!

1. an alien
2. an ice-cream cone
3. Union Jack boxer shorts
4. Mary Berry
5. a spy
6. a selfie
7. Mo Farah
8. a kilt
9. a shamrock
10. a druid
11. Mr Panda
12. Clare Balding (UK sports presenter)
13. two pigeons
14. a mountain goat
15. picnickers
16. the Madhatter's Hat
17. a microlight
18. a teddy bear
19. Susan Boyle
20. The River Thames 

Have fun!! And any guesses as to what might be in that box the butler is carrying throughout the book?

Part 3 of this fun series, all about landmarks and spotting details, is already out in several countries, but not in the USA just yet. It takes us on a WORLD tour on Christmas Eve with Santa and thousands of elves! 

Part 1, The Queen's Hat blows all over London

Part 2, The Queen's Handbag is taken all across the UK

Part 3, a worldwide hunt for The Queen's Present 

Part 3, a worldwide hunt for The Queen's Present 

MONSTER IN THE HOOD to be my 8th book

My third title with Oxford University Press (and my 8th book altogether) will be MONSTER IN THE HOOD, out summer 2016. HE'S GRUMBLY AND RUMBLY AND FRIGHTENINGLY HUNGRY. BUT ARE THINGS ALWAYS WHAT THEY SEEM? A MONSTER BOOK WITH A TWIST.

Q&A with Yasmeen Ismail, hosted by Magpie That and Picture Books Blogger

Who inspired Betty? Where did Mr Panda come from? How did I get published? Should you study illustration? Do I prefer illustrating or writing? And more questions answered in last night's Twitter #PBNatter Q&A with me and Yasmeen Ismail hosted by MagpieThat and PictureBooksBlogger. You can see the Q&A here:…/picturebook-natter-09-08-15

Thanks to Mathew Tobin for the record of the Q&A.

Opening Broadwater Primary School's Imagination Garden


On Thursday last week I had the honour of visiting Broadwater Primary School in Tooting to open their Imagination Garden, a volunteer-led project aimed at creating an exciting and inspirational outdoor learning environment designed to fire the imagination and enhance the curriculum. Featuring vegetable growing, a wormery, a ‘mud pie kitchen’ and a mini volcano, the garden is funded in part by a Big Society grant and in part by the Waitrose Community Matters scheme.

But before cutting the ribbon of doughnuts to open the Imagination Garden, I held an event for the school's two Reception classes and two Year 1 classes, and I joined the pupils and teachers for a 'Queen's Hat' parade around the Garden.

Here are some photos of the day, courtesy of photographer, Emerson Wimsey, and Fritha Lindqvist, Head of PR for Hachette Children's Books. Comments accompany each photo to talk you through my memorable day at the school.

It was a real privilege to be part of such a special day. Thanks, all, for inviting me along and for making me feel so welcome! 


I read THE QUEEN'S HAT, PLEASE MR PANDA and the yet-to-be-released, THE QUEEN'S HANDBAG: a story about The Queen and an army of officers chasing a rogue handbag-stealing swan all across the UK, which is due for publication by Hodder Children's in Oc…

I read THE QUEEN'S HAT, PLEASE MR PANDA and the yet-to-be-released, THE QUEEN'S HANDBAG: a story about The Queen and an army of officers chasing a rogue handbag-stealing swan all across the UK, which is due for publication by Hodder Children's in October. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

The pupils had lots of questions! (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

The pupils had lots of questions! (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

I showed them how to draw a Royal Guard. Here I'm showing them the Snowdonia page in THE QUEEN'S HANDBAG. We spotted the two officers taking a sneaky selfie and lots of other fun details. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

I showed them how to draw a Royal Guard. Here I'm showing them the Snowdonia page in THE QUEEN'S HANDBAG. We spotted the two officers taking a sneaky selfie and lots of other fun details. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

Pupils showing me their drawings. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

Pupils showing me their drawings. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

The two Reception classes marched around the playground wearing their especially made hats. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

The two Reception classes marched around the playground wearing their especially made hats. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

Head Teacher, Ms Susan Adams, gives a speech before handing me the scissors to cut the ribbon of doughnuts. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

Head Teacher, Ms Susan Adams, gives a speech before handing me the scissors to cut the ribbon of doughnuts. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

The entrance to the Imagination Garden.

The entrance to the Imagination Garden.

Inside the garden, Bug Ben!

Inside the garden, Bug Ben!

I added finishing touches to this brilliant painting of Big Ben (based on my illustration in THE QUEEN'S HAT) by Kate Filby: a parent volunteer and mum of one of the children in the Reception year. Kate worked very closely with the two Rec…

I added finishing touches to this brilliant painting of Big Ben (based on my illustration in THE QUEEN'S HAT) by Kate Filby: a parent volunteer and mum of one of the children in the Reception year. Kate worked very closely with the two Reception teachers, Ms Louise Bretenny's Reception Zebra Class and Ms Katherine Hilliard's Reception Giraffe Class as well as an army of parent volunteers and volunteers from the local community.

Signing books and chatting with parents and pupils. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

Signing books and chatting with parents and pupils. (Photo by Emerson Wimsey)

A colourful doughnut card and a giant doughnut: a thank you gift from the school!

A colourful doughnut card and a giant doughnut: a thank you gift from the school!

After the event, the school wrote about their day and pinned their fantastic soldier drawings to the wall. Thanks, Fritha, for sending these photos.

Thanks, all, for such wonderful comments!

Bake Mr Panda's Doughnuts, with Tea!

Photo courtesy of

Photo courtesy of

Fans of PLEASE MR PANDA (or PLEASE, MR. PANDA if you're in the US) will love this!

What do you get when you pair a passionate picture book blogger with a blogger of all things tea

Tea Coloured Mr. Panda Doughnuts, of course!

Just check out this photo from!

To find out how to bake these enticing tea doughnuts (along with more tea-infused goodness) please visit

To read the review of PLEASE, MR. PANDA by This Picture Book Life (along with other great picture book articles) please visit

Thanks to both bloggers for featuring my book!

Happy doughnut baking!


Visit to Nutshell Studios on Indie Booksellers Week

Sienna's doughnut is better than mine.

Sienna's doughnut is better than mine.

Last week was Independent Booksellers Week. Independent Bookshop Week is part of the Books Are My Bag campaign, and seeks to celebrate independent bookshops in the UK and Ireland. Many authors and illustrators took part by visiting independent booksellers. 

On Saturday, I visited Nutshell Studios, an independent children's bookshop, which is situated in Barleylands Craft Village in Billericay, Essex. But I wasn't the only visitor. Mr Panda made an appearance too, doughnuts and all! Well, Mr Panda was actually the lovely booksellers at Nutshell Studios, Michelle and Hazel, who took turns wearing the costume. The store itself is full of charm. It doubles up as an art studio, which houses the brilliant artwork of Michelle Williams and Hazel Williams, two sisters who share a passion for children's book illustration and literature.

Below are some photos from my event. If you would like to learn more about Independent Booksellers Week, please visit If you'd like to learn more about Nutshell Studios, please visit You can view the amazing artwork of Michelle and Hazel here: Thank you to Nutshell Studios and Jo Byatt for taking some of these photos. 

As I walked in, this is what I saw. Wow! Check out the deflated Mr Panda in the reading corner.

As I walked in, this is what I saw. Wow! Check out the deflated Mr Panda in the reading corner.

I never tire of doughnuts. But maybe I should write a book about lettuce.

I never tire of doughnuts. But maybe I should write a book about lettuce.

Signage featuring the Independent Booksellers Week hashtags.

Signage featuring the Independent Booksellers Week hashtags.

Drawing with crayons.

Drawing with crayons.

Mr Panda's on the loose! I wonder what that man is thinking, over there.

Mr Panda's on the loose! I wonder what that man is thinking, over there.

Mr Panda's beat.

Mr Panda's beat.

Monet's snazzy doughnut.

Monet's snazzy doughnut.

From left to right: me, Jo Byatt, Mr Panda (Michelle) and Hazel. Fellow illustrator and friend, Jo Byatt, dropped by with her husband Peter and daughters, Monet and Sienna. 

From left to right: me, Jo Byatt, Mr Panda (Michelle) and Hazel. Fellow illustrator and friend, Jo Byatt, dropped by with her husband Peter and daughters, Monet and Sienna. 

Jo Byatt's daughter, Monet, cheekily pops into the frame with her mum's illustrator debut, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!, written by David Styring and published by Igloo Books.

Jo Byatt's daughter, Monet, cheekily pops into the frame with her mum's illustrator debut, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!, written by David Styring and published by Igloo Books.

Books and doughnuts!

Books and doughnuts!

Michelle, who is also a teacher, read Mr Panda to me along with one of her pupils. 

Michelle, who is also a teacher, read Mr Panda to me along with one of her pupils. 

Me, Mr Panda (Michelle) and Hazel, proudly wearing her Independent Bookshop top.

Me, Mr Panda (Michelle) and Hazel, proudly wearing her Independent Bookshop top.

Drawing Mr Panda.

Drawing Mr Panda.

Showing some people some roughs from the development stages of Please Mr Panda.

Showing some people some roughs from the development stages of Please Mr Panda.

Drawing Mr Panda on doughnuts. 

Drawing Mr Panda on doughnuts. 

More drawing.

More drawing.

Sienna is telling me all about her fantastic picture book characters. 

Sienna is telling me all about her fantastic picture book characters.